Sep 28 2022 Do meet us in SIAL 2022
Contact us:
E-mail: info@gapfruits.com
Phone number: +34 967 484 694 -
Oct 05 2021 11th and 12th October GAP will be at Anuga
It will be an opportunity to talk, contact with us to make an appoiment: gapfruits.com
Apr 29 2021 Our factory renews the IFS Food and BRC food safety certifications
After having carried out the relevant audit, we are certified for the scope of activities:
Production (oenological treatments, evaporation, desulfurization, pasteurization, cooling and mixing) of white and red grape juice concentrate and white and red grape juices from must. Aseptic packaging in plastic bag and non-aseptic packaging in “Flexitank”, cistern and IBC containers of 1.000l.
And we can certify that our factory meets the established requirements in the BRC GLOBAL STANDARD for FOOD SAFETY and IFS Food.
Feb 17 2021 SOHISCERT audits us in accordance with the ORGANIC PRODUCTION METHOD
Sohiscert, a body of Control and Certification authorized in the European Union grants a license to use the brand to use the display in accordance with the organic production method, for processed food products included in the present certification, protected by the indication that, put on the market under the responsibility of the incumbent operator and obtained from the agri-food industry GAP.
Oct 21 2020 Satisfactory SGF audit
After becoming a member of SGF Internatinal on July, we were audited with satisfaction. Gap continues to certify authenticity and quality of our fruits.
Oct 07 2020 The food chain and COVID-19: Perspectives on the “new normality”
Yesterday at GAP we have been lucky enough to be able to have access the chat by professor José Antonio Boccherini, The food chain and COVID-19: Perspectives on the “new normality”, thanks to Espacio Sothis, to also witness the subsequent round table starring Rubén Raso (Idilia Foods), José David López (Grupo Alacant), Mª José Llopis (Almendras Llopis), Carlos Herrero (Prosol), Julio Insa (SAP Spain) and José Luis Ivars (Shotis).
The reflections have been very interesting and instructive, with a common denominator: Betting on the cloud. Making customer have access to products faster and more agile must be the cornerstone of companies. Teleworking has taught us that you can work from anywhere, and at the same time, that the general public can also have access our products from anywhere. In this sense, it is necessary to push towards a change in the mentality of companies, with a common vision towards the efficiency and effectiveness of technology. Which is not an expense, it is an investment.
Another of the reflections of the day is that you must have respect for technology, but not fear, always counting on Cybersecurity support.
This crisis reflects that on-line commerce has risen, but it has not done so more because logistics has not given more of itself. But E-commerce has become very important, gaining market share even with the problems that have occurred; it has come to stay, producing an adaptation of buying behavior, where consumers have learned to deal with the new tools that have been offered. In many cases, distributions have been created from scratch, transforming from a conjunctural change to a structural change.
This clearly upward trend makes companies follow their upward curve, acquiring maturity in their transformation.
On the other hand, although it is true that Spain enjoys one of the best communication networks in Europe, the public sector has process deficiencies and in SMEs these processes are not reaching their vast majority.
Spain is taking steps forward towards digitization, with a sense of transformation and business strategies, with objectives in technology and e-commerce, tending towards B2B. Maintaining that mentality and betting on autonomy as a country, are the objectives that have to be consolidated, capitalizing on the fact that there have been great changes and we have to adapt and learn from past circumstances.
In this sense, at GAP we have adopted videoconferencing tools to make meetings more effective, in addition to training our teams in digital capabilities.
Sep 22 2020 Grape price at harvest 2020
The harvest in Mancha, the main producing area in Spain, could cover 55% of the national production this 2020/2021 campaign; It began with the earliest varieties in mid-August, followed by Tempranillo variety at the end of the same month, awaiting the bulk of the harvest for September 10th with the start of the queen in white variety, the Airen.
The quality of the fruit is excellent due to the absence of significant diseases throughout the year, accompanied by adequate ripening. Production forecasts at the national level have been revised downward, from initial, unofficial figures of more than 50Mhl to 43-44 Mhl advanced by Cooperatives Spanish Agro-alimentary at the end of July, being the latest estimate official published by the regional government of Castilla la Mancha of 42 Mhl on August 30th, even some specialized media reduce it to 40 Mhl. Let us remember that the national average of the last 15 years has been around 42 Mhl. Castilla La Mancha would correspond, according to regional administration sources, 23 mHl instead of the 25.5 predicted by Cooperatives Agro-alimentary in Castilla la Mancha at the beginning of August. These decreases in the initial production estimates are mainly due to the drought and high temperatures suffered during the summer. The first grape purchase prices released by Félix Solix and Grupo Vinartis are 30% lower than last season, prices that have provoked the anger of agrarian organizations and private farmers and the call for protests and strikes in different points of Mancha, considering that these prices do not cover, not even close, production costs. These protest actions have already had a first effect, the upward correction of the initial prices of some red varieties destined for D.O.P. Initial stocks, in the absence of official data from the MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) for the month of July, the last month of the 19/20 season, is expected to be around 35 Mhl, which represents a few stocks initials of 2 Mhl (-5%) less than last season.
Regarding the situation in the rest of Europe, Italy and Portugal expect productions of 1% and 5.7% lower than a year ago, respectively, while France and Germany expect increases of around 3.5% . European exports have suffered a clear decline as a result of the pandemic, the Trump administration’s tariffs on packaged wine and the new Russian Viticulture Law. With the quantitative and objective data set forth and, taking into account the historical production, stocks and average prices of the last decade, we calculate that the prices of white sulfur musts should move around 0.26€/ l, which is would translate into concentrates at € 1.15 / kg approximately While it is true that this campaign we are faced with a completely new, unknown and unpredictable non-quantifiable variable, Covid-19, a factor whose evolution will depend on the level of consumption, marketing and therefore prices, which can move, according to our first estimates, between 0.95€/ kg and 1.05€/ kg for standard white concentrates and around 1,15€ / kg for standard red concentrated juices. As a result of this unusual and highly uncertain scenario, we consider it a year to be cautious, recommending that our clients stock up according to their needs, acting at the pace of events, and thus avoiding major commercial errors. We also ask you, as always, to contact us with suspiciously low offers from other companies in the sector.For our part, GAP Process guarantee you accurate and timely information, as well as the highest quality and authenticity, with the sole objective of helping you achieve the best prices and thus maximum profitability in your concentrated grape juice and must purchase operations.
Jul 21 2020 SIAL Paris 2020 rescheduled to 2022
Everyone in the SIAL Paris team has remained firmly committed to support businesses and provide them with this export springboard which is so keenly awaited to get the economy back on track. To enable such an international event to take place during this pandemic hit, we put together several initiatives to secure individual and collective safety and maintain the quality of business exchanges and inspiration:
- Deployment of a ruthless public health protocol
- Reinforcement of personal and public transport services
- A hybrid offer to enable everyone to interact within the event
- Multiple studies and surveys (XTC, Kantar, Gira, Make.Org, etc.) to share with our community and support changes in the food industry.
The latest developments in the situation worldwide and the uncertainties arising from them have led many of you to change their opinion with regards to the exhibition. Following the survey which was sent to you on 15th July, the results show that a majority of exhibitors representing more than half the surface area of the show ask for the show to be postponed.
In accordance with the commitments that we have made, we are following the majority. SIAL Paris is therefore postponed to 2022, and will take place from 15th to 19th October.
In line with our mission, it remains our firm intention to keep in touch and accompany the recovery and the transformation of the food industry. We will offer you new events from October 2020 dealing with product trends, innovation, foresight and major exclusive market research, which are unparalleled in the food world.
We will furthermore continue to expand our global network to offer regional growth platforms with major annual gatherings in China, Canada, Indonesia, India and the United Arab Emirates.
Jun 15 2020 We embellish our facilities
Once the sanitary alarm is over, we will be ready to receive you again, not only with a new image, but with reinforcements of hygiene measures and sanitary actions, both individual and collective, that strenghen the objectives already achieved in the emergency of the coronavirus. Spain comes out of this exceptional situation on the 21st to start another stage, the Spanish can circulate throughout the national territory, and we will be happy to open our doors to you.
May 18 2020 Gap rises phase
After a few weeks of teleworking for most of us, we can already announce that we have returned to our jobs in the office. Albacete has entered Phase 1 of the de-escalation, a measure of relief that must be faced with responsibility so as not to re-experience dramatic situations such as those suffered a few weeks ago.
Our efforts will be focused on extreme cleaning and disinfection processes on a daily basis, controlling the capacity, guaranteeing the distance of one and a half meters. Also, the use of gloves and masks by the company’s workers will be encouraged and this type of product will be made available to all, as well as disinfectant gel..