GAP belongs to a group of companies with extensive background in the food industry, which underpins our quality and professionalism.

Specialists in the manufacture of concentrated juices and other grape-derived, as well as other fruit derivative products.

Offering clients a comprehensive service and adapting to their requirements, creating customised processes and making the transaction a rewarding experience.

GAP is made up of a young and dynamic team with experience and skills to face the challenges and objectives that the company wishes to undertake over the next few years.

Quienes somos GAP


Committed to meet the requirements of our clients by offering health, nutrition, quality of life and well-being.
Committed to the creation of innovative and quality products and services.
Thanks to our diversification and independence, we are market leaders as regards the commitment of continuous improvement in the pursuit of excellence.


To be an internationally recognised leading company in the fields of nutrition, health and well-being by consumers, clients, suppliers and shareholders of the company.
To obtain sustainable growth by balancing economic and social factors, facilitating the personal and professional development of employees.


Commitment to shareholders, society and environmental sustainability.
Passion for the quality and excellence of our products and processes.
Respect towards the diversity of other cultures and traditions.
Integrity, professionalism and transparency in the overall corporate management.

Exporting 95% of our production, being our company already an international reference benchmark and with presence in the main markets: Africa, America, Asia and Europe, meeting the requirements and needs of each of market, as well as complying with the delivery deadlines anywhere in the world.

We are a company committed to our clients, WITH AND FOR THEM.